Alabama A&M & Auburn Universities Extension
Free Webinar: Deciphering Plant Health and Vigor and their Effects on Pest Outbreaks
Have you ever heard that a healthy plant is resistant to insects or that a stressed plant is more susceptible? Plant vigor and plant stress are commonly blamed for pest outbreaks but the research on this topic is not as clear cut. In this webinar, Dr. David Held (Landscape Entomologist, Auburn University) will explain the…
Free Webinar: Alabama’s Amazing Oak Diversity
Oaks comprise the largest taxon of woody plants in North America, with the highest diversity of oak species occurring in Alabama. With the wide variety of oaks and their tendency to hybridize, oaks can be a challenge to identify. This webinar will review the differences between white and red oaks, focusing on how to identify…
Free Webinar: The Importance of Utility Line Clearance
Topic: Utility line clearance (pruning) is often misunderstood and leads to frustration and conflict between utility arborists and homeowners. Education is needed to help homeowners and managers differentiate good from bad utility pruning. This presentation will cover the following topics: Why utilities prune, describe vegetation clearance approaches, history of utility pruning, problems of utility pruning…