July 28, 2022 @ 9:30 am – 2:30 pm
Mark Renz (Professor and Extension Specialist UW Madsion)
Anne Pearce (Wisconsin First Detector Network Coordinator).
Invasive woody shrubs like bush honeysuckle (Lonicera spp.) and common buckthorn (Rhamnus cathartica) are some of the most impactful invasive plants in Wisconsin. They are common in forests, pastures, rights-of-ways, and even residential areas. In these areas they can establish dense infestations that reduce services these areas provide, including wildlife habitat, nutrient retention, and prevention of soil erosion. While control of these plants can be effective, it is time consuming and expensive with highly technical management needed over multiple years to gain success.
If you or your staff manage lands with invasive woody shrubs, consider attending this FREE one-day workshop. The workshop will focus on demonstrating and discussing common control methods (using herbicides, mechanical methods, and biological control) and tradeoffs with each method. As a part of the workshop, we will review different herbicides and application methods and how to select the appropriate herbicide/application method for your site. Training will be conducted by Dr. Mark Renz, who has been researching woody invasive plant control approaches in Wisconsin for the past 15 years. Currently he has several active projects involving woody plant control with mechanical, biological, and herbicides that he will discuss.
The field day is on July 28th in Fitchburg Wisconsin (Fitchburg Public Library Meeting Room, 5530 Lacy Rd Fitchburg, WI 53711). We will meet at 9:30 at where we will begin in the classroom. After a free lunch (provided by sponsors) we will go to nearby McGaw Park to visit demonstrations of common control techniques and view the successes (and failures) one year after treatment.
While the workshop is free, registration is required by July 15th. Please don’t delay in registering as space is limited for this event. To register visit: https://renzweedscience.cals.wisc.edu/field-day/ and click the link for registration.