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Invasive Plant Management Workshop Events

September 9, 2023 @ 9:00 am 5:00 pm

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Many people in southeastern Wisconsin work to control exotic invasive plants in our natural areas. SEWISC is teaming with Johnson’s Nursery, Inc.TM to offer our Invasive Plant Management Workshops twice annually. Take this class to ensure that you are using the most appropriate, efficient, up-to-date, and least environmentally damaging methods in your control efforts.

This is a hands-on, bring-your-own lunch class. After an introduction to the general ecology of the five functional groups of invasive plants (shrubs, perennial forbs, clonal perennials, grasses, and annuals/biennials), we will discuss, demonstrate, and practice all applicable control methods (chemical and non-chemical) for these five plant types.

Topics will also include:

  • Identification of our common and relatively new invaders
  • Planning and strategy for an effective control program
  • Use of hand tools and herbicide application methods
  • Herbicide concentrations, mixing, and safety
  • Restoration strategies for badly infested sites
  • Native planting suggestions for continued restoration
  • Record keeping
19600 75th Street
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Kenosha County Center
19600 75th Street
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