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i-Tree Open Academy – Spring 2024

March 20, 2024 @ 12:00 pm 1:00 pm

Register Here


The i-Tree Open Academy virtual learning series is back for spring of 2024, with everything you need to explore the latest from the i-Tree suite of tools. Whether your work with trees involves planting, managing, funding, educating, or beyond – i-Tree can help you better understand the benefits that trees provide, the impacts of where those benefits are, and how to apply that science to your project goals.


This seminar-style offering will serve as both a refresher and an introduction to the newest tools and features, with one-hour virtual sessions over a six-week period. There is no fee for the Academy, and you can join all live sessions, or select those that meet your schedule and interests. Register by filling out the participant form.

We will be offering continuing education credits (CEUs) for both the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) and the New Jersey state Urban and Community Forestry program. One CEU is available for each of the live sessions attended.


All sessions will be streamed live via this Microsoft Teams link. They will also be recorded and posted below as well as on the i-Tree YouTube channel, so that you can catch up on anything you missed. There are no requirements for this course, and there will be self-directed exercises that you can use to gain experience using the tools. You are encouraged to submit any questions related to the course via info@itreetools.org, and there will be opportunities to ask questions during certain live sessions and office hours.


Each session is one hour long and offered Wednesdays at 1:00 pm (Eastern US time). Note: Office hours days and times may vary.

·       March 20th – Introduction to i-Tree. Understand the basic science of i-Tree and the USFS research behind it. Explore the relationships between the i-Tree tools and the data they provide. Start to consider which i-Tree tools will be best for the application you have in mind.

·       March 27th – Online with MyTree, i-Tree Design, and i-Tree Planting. Explore the easiest to use online i-Tree tools for individual trees. Get a better sense of their advantages and most common uses.

·       April 3rd – The view from the top: i-Tree Canopy and OurTrees. You can’t manage your forest resource unless you know what you have. Get an estimate of tree canopy cover for any area or monitor change with a few hours of image analysis. Or save your mouse clicks and see if a quick visit to OurTrees will get you what you need.

·       April 17th – i-Tree Landscape: Data, maps, and equity portal. With dozens of layers covering a wide range of geographies it is easy to get lost in Landscape. This session will keep you on track to finish with a map of tree benefits and priority areas within your community.

·       April 24th– i-Tree Eco the flagship tool. i-Tree Eco is where the latest science goes first. It is a large, flexible tool that offers much more than we can cover in a single hour. We’ll help you decide if Eco is right for you and let you know where to go to learn more.

·       May 1st – Putting i-Tree to Work. Take a whirlwind tour through the many ways that i-Tree can be used to further your tree initiatives, from communication to site selection to accountability metrics. Get inspired and make a plan to put i-Tree to work for you.